As a former high school wrestler myself, with occasional delusions that I might wrestle collegiately, I found this victory particularly impressive. I know just how hard it was for Anthony to win, because I know how grueling it is for anyone to win at this sport. It is an amazing physical success.
Still, I am more impressed by the accomplishments of every person I see. Those with physical disabilities, those with mental health issues, and those with intellectual disabilities all remind me of the same simple truth: Each one of us has a significant, incredible and fantastic life to live. Although Anthony's great victory is stellar, there are equally impressive victories going on right here, right now, every day. For some folks suffering with depression just getting out of bed can be as huge an effort as winning the national championship. For some folks with intellectual disabilities just being seen and treated with respect can be as novel as the wrestling victory. For some with physical limitations traveling for hours to get to church and hours to get home can be a commitment as large as wrestling practice demands.
I was fascinated by every match in the NCAA wrestling championships, and I am intrigued by every human being on the planet that realizes we are connected to each other and to something more through God's Spirit. Sometimes it is even harder to really believe this when so many people are saying we have to win win win. When in actuality we already truly have!
Blessings! Chaplain Dave
I love the last sentence! We ARE all winners.